JA Inspire to Hire 2023
Career Exploration
Event Completed!
When: Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Where: Osceola Heritage Park
Time: 8:30 AM ET
Open students eyes to a future full of career possibilities by exhibiting at JA Inspire on Tuesday, January 24, 2023!
Designed to meet the workforce demands of our regions fast-growing industries, JA Inspire, an interactive, highly engaging career expo for 8th grade students, is a collaborative effort between Junior Achievement of Central Florida (JA) and the business community.
Followed by curriculum taught in the classroom, students have meaningful conversations with employers and learn what it takes to earn credentials, gain real-world work experience, and ultimately become employed.
NEW THIS YEAR JA Inspire to Hire, a community-wide career fair! This new addition will connect prospective employees with hiring employers. JA Inspire to Hire is a three hour event targeting 11th & 12th grade students, adults, Veterans looking to start or continue their career, and those seeking new opportunities.
Designed to meet the workforce demands of our regions fast-growing industries, JA Inspire, an interactive, highly engaging career expo for 8th grade students, is a collaborative effort between Junior Achievement of Central Florida (JA) and the business community.
Followed by curriculum taught in the classroom, students have meaningful conversations with employers and learn what it takes to earn credentials, gain real-world work experience, and ultimately become employed.
NEW THIS YEAR JA Inspire to Hire, a community-wide career fair! This new addition will connect prospective employees with hiring employers. JA Inspire to Hire is a three hour event targeting 11th & 12th grade students, adults, Veterans looking to start or continue their career, and those seeking new opportunities.
JA Inspire to Hire
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